General questions

What is Sunnydale HOPE SF?

Sunnydale HOPE SF is the revitalization of the Sunnydale-Velasco public housing into a new healthy, mixed income neighborhood. The master plan includes up to 1,700 affordable and market rate housing units, including replacement housing for existing and previous Sunnydale residents, new parks, and community gardens, new streets and utilities, a new neighborhood hub with retail, childcare, after school programs, and recreation and fitness for all. HOPE SF is also about investing in our residents with vital services and support so that residents are healthier, safer, and can achieve educational and economic gains.

What new features and amenities are planned for Sunnydale?

The Sunnydale HOPE SF site is located in the residential neighborhood of Visitacion Valley in San Francisco. It is adjacent to McLaren Park, the city’s second largest public park at 313 acres featuring a nine-hole golf course, swimming pool, outdoor basketball court, baseball field, children’s playground, amphitheater, and tens of miles of nature trails.

The Sunnydale HOPE SF development plan is described on the Sunnydale Community page. To learn more about the individual new buildings, click here. The Sunnydale HOPE SF plan includes more than new housing. A new neighborhood Hub will include a new 30,000 square foot community center with a state-of-the-art Boys & Girls Club, the Wu Yee early childhood education center for infants to pre-K children, and multipurpose spaces for neighborhood activities. Next door, a new recreation center with a full-sized basketball court and outdoor fitness terrace will be owned and operated by the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department.

I am interested in one of the new apartments. What is the process?

If you currently live in Sunnydale, the new affordable apartments being built are for you and your family. Let us know you are interested on our contact page.

For other San Francisco residents interested in the new housing at Sunnydale, you will use the City’s centralized housing system, DAHLIA. New apartments will be announced here when available: and on this Sunnydale website. Individuals who used to live in Sunnydale will be prioritized through the city’s Right of Return policy. Households that qualify should complete an application, and residents will be contacted through a random drawing process. You may also contact us if you have questions.

What types of new homes will be built at Sunnydale?

Construction is already underway on new affordable housing at Sunnydale, including one-for-one replacement homes for all current Sunnydale residents.

Sunnydale will also include new market rate (non-subsidized) housing opportunities in the future. Please stay tuned to learn more!

How can I get involved?

Please visit our Community Resources page to learn about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved in the Sunnydale transformation plan.

I am interested in being a retail tenant. How do I apply to rent one of the commercial spaces at Sunnydale?

We would be delighted to hear from you. Visit our Retail Business Opportunities page to learn more

I would like to find a job at Sunnydale. What’s available? How do I apply?

The Sunnydale community has a Workforce Development Initiative for people who are interested in working in the community or in learning about job opportunities in the Bay Area. Within the Sunnydale HOPE SF transformative construction plan, there are jobs in construction as well as in property management and neighborhood services. There are also training and apprenticeship programs.

Please send us a message in the Contact Page if you are interested in learning more.

I am interested in volunteering.

Whether you are interested in an ongoing individual commitment or a one-time group volunteer project, sharing your gifts and talents can make a difference for neighborhood residents. Complete a volunteer interest form, and our Volunteer Coordinator will respond.

Please send us a message in the Contact Page if you are interested in learning more.

For Current Sunnydale Residents

I received a 90-day Notice. What does it mean?

The 90-day Notice is issued to inform the residents that they currently live in a demolition area and must relocate to another unit on-site. For most households that means moving directly to a brand-new unit built here at Sunnydale. If there are no brand-new units available, you may need to move to another unit at Sunnydale.

Will I be responsible for my own electricity bill?

Yes, you will need to open an account in your name, but HUD will provide a utility allowance each month to cover your utility costs.

Will moving assistance be provided to my household?

Yes, moving assistance will be provided in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) and the State of California Relocation Guidelines. Each qualifying household will be provided with advisory assistance and relocation assistance.

I have pets. Can they move with me into the new units at Sunnydale?

Yes, each household can have up to two pets. You will need to register your pets with the property management office. A pet deposit will also be required, and this deposit can be paid monthly. Service animals or companion animals (Assistance Animals) are allowed with a provider’s verification and no pet deposit will be required.

I’m not interested in living at Sunnydale HOPE SF. Can I move somewhere else?

Yes, there are a variety of off-site housing options. Please ask the relocation specialist at the time of your relocation appointment or visit Mercy Housing Services at 1711 Sunnydale or the SFHA to see what sites are available.

I have questions about my current apartment. Who should I contact?

Please contact your current landlord EBMC at 170 Brookdale or San Francisco Housing Authority, at or (415) 820-1586.

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