MH Sunnydale HerzPlayground 1stAnnualPumpkinPatch 51
MH Sunnydale HerzPlayground 1stAnnualPumpkinPatch 21 900x900 acf cropped e1717791778191

Sunnydale Homes

Current Sunnydale residents will be prioritized for all new housing built through Sunnydale HOPE SF. The construction plan also includes new homes for qualifying households who do not currently reside in Sunnydale. If you are interested in living in a new Sunnydale affordable community, please contact us.

Sunnydale Homes

Amani - 80 Units1529 Sunnydale Avenue

Amani - 80 Units
1529 Sunnydale Avenue

Expected Completion Early 2025. Contact us if you are interested!

Nia - 90 Units1533 Sunnydale Avenue

Nia - 90 Units
1533 Sunnydale Avenue

Expected Completion Early 2025. Contact us if you are interested!

Casala - 55 Units1491 Sunnydale Ave

Casala - 55 Units
1491 Sunnydale Ave

The first apartment building constructed as part of Sunnydale HOPE SF.

Malosi Community - 167 Units290 Malosi Street

Malosi Community - 167 Units
290 Malosi Street

Malosi Community is Sunnydale HOPE SF’s second apartment building to be constructed.

Building 7 - 89 Units

Building 7 - 89 Units

Expected Completion 2027/2028

Building 9 - 95 Units

Building 9 - 95 Units

Expected Completion 2027/2028

Sunnydale Update